There are many options available for those preparing for divorce in Ohio. Some couples qualify for dissolution. Dissolution is a special legal process available to those preparing for uncontested divorces. If spouses have agreed on the terms for financial matters and...
How counseling can help those preparing for dissolution
Dissolution is often the goal for those hoping to end a marriage in Ohio. Unlike a messy and unpredictable litigated divorce, dissolution is amicable and predictable. People who mutually decide to end a marriage can set the terms for property division and child...
The co-parenting decisions parents must resolve during dissolution
Couples in Ohio who want to end a marriage have multiple options available. They can pursue a traditional, litigated process in a contested divorce. They also have the option of amicably resolving matters and requesting an uncontested dissolution instead. Dissolution...
3 reasons dissolution can be better for children than divorce
Parents who feel they can no longer make their marriages work often turn to the Ohio family courts. Divorce or litigation is an option, but parents may want to look at a different solution if they want to end a marriage with minimal negative impact on their children....
Ending amicably: Why Ohio many couples choose dissolution
Divorce is a common term used to describe the legal termination of a marriage. However, in Ohio, couples have a legal option that extends beyond the limitations of the divorce process: dissolution of marriage. While both processes ultimately end a marriage,...
Can counseling help spouses file for dissolution instead of divorce?
Spouses often make the decision to divorce when their relationship is at an overall low point. Years of growing apart slowly or a major discovery by one spouse might lead to intense feelings and constant conflict. Spouses may realize that they simply cannot maintain...
3 emotional issues that can prove challenging during dissolution
Individuals who know that their marriages are over may agree to pursue dissolution instead of a contested divorce. In Ohio, spouses who amicably agree on the key aspects of their divorce proceedings can request an uncontested marital dissolution from the courts...
Why couples attempting marital dissolution may benefit from mediation
Spouses in Ohio considering the end of a marriage have two options. They can litigate as part of a standard divorce, or they can work together to settle major matters on their own. If they successfully resolve any disagreements they have, they can then request marital...
What is the difference between annulment and dissolution?
Many people who realize that their marriage is not healthy and/or functional choose to legally end their relationships. However, they may dislike the idea of filing for a litigated divorce. Thankfully, there are two primary alternatives to the highly contentious...
Taking the tension out of property division during dissolution
Married couples who recognize that their relationship is not in a healthy place have numerous options in Ohio if they want to go their separate ways. Perhaps the fastest and least stressful choice involves marital dissolution. Dissolution, unlike divorce, does not...